River Conforms – Barely

River at 9 days old 4102016.jpg Continue reading

Simon and River are Released

Simon, River and their dam get released from the kidding stall.  The kids investigate and discover one of the two goat picnic tables near the buildings.

Simon will be up for sale at the beginning of June unless someone wants him as a bottle baby.  If someone wants a wether, I need to know soon so we can plan it.

River is on hold until we know if she can be registered as an Oberhasli.  Breeding standards dictate how much white they can have, and she may be over the limit. We have to shave her white area and measure it.

Video of Tuiti’s Kids Birth

For those interested in learning what a goat birth looks like, or you just have a general fascination with the birth process, here is the video I took of Tuiti giving birth.  I’ll put a break in the page, so those not interested can skip:

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Less Than Two Weeks

Our Oberhasli have less than two weeks left.   It is still freezing here with 2-3 feet of snow all over the yard.  I’m currently crocheting kid sweaters just in case I need them.


Goat Kid Coats

Loki and Tuiti looking like they may have singles or twins.  I’m not sure which.  Tail heads are raising.  Ligaments are still there, but Tuiti had a slight discharge and her vulva is elongating.  Just fyi, the kidding stall isn’t done.   It will be done by tonight.

Loki eating my boot lace as usual.

Loki eating my boot lace as usual.

Tuiti Due 542015 Date 3262015

Tuiti eating hay. She is the same color as Loki. The picture isn’t great.

I am still on a land hunt and have it narrowed down, so everything here is still on hold until it is sorted.